Are your software, systems, or skill sets holding you back?

Let's have a chat

Our Services

Legacy system upgrades and extensions
We are able to deliver custom solutions to improve efficiency, data presentation and security to make the most out of your data in a user-friendly manner.
Bespoke solutions
We offer full “turn-key” solutions for software enhancements, rebuilds, product extensions, or the complete development of new software concepts.
Augment your team
We can supplement your IT HR with experts working directly within your team, temporarily on an “as-needed” basis.
Technical expertise for hire
Our diverse technical expertise can be sought to resolve specific challenges and help you clear obstacles that don't require a permanent skillset in your team.
Project management & consulting
We can help you manage complex projects in part or whole, and provide management reporting or milestone pathways as needed.
Let's go

What our customers are saying about us...

"Devinium helped us take ownership of the software, infrastructure and data when we purchased our tree management system. They have brought to the table key knowledge and competences allowing us to transition and integrate everything into our corporate environment with minimal client disruption and zero downtime. They have been adaptable and supported our internal teams as needed up to the point where they could completely manage the new system internally. They have been amazing at being adaptable and efficient in their approach"

Kevin Jeyakanthan
Development Manager at Civica


Winner for Eco Innovation

Australian Business Award 2021

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We provided the concept, designed, and then fully developed the CMyTrees App (in record time).
The client brief was to create an app that delivered added value from the data in their existing core B2B product and establish a pathway for B2C growth.

Trusted by

Alfred Health
Barwon Health
The South West Alliance Of Rural Health
Visitor Interactive

Our Groundbreaking Products

Database Web Gateway - DriftCode™

Query from anywhere
Securely access and query your database with SQL from anywhere, even from your web browser.
Faster deployment
Simplify and speed up the deployment of new feature interfaces for database queries and presentation to users without disturbing any legacy system’s code base, day-to-day use, or operation.
Secure and self-hosted
Built-in database role security to ensure that only authorized users can access the data. Plus, it's self-hosted, so you can install it on your existing servers and databases.
Easy Integration
With the ability to access your databases via web socket, you can easily integrate DriftCode into an existing web application. Take advantage of our free template libraries to get up and running in no time!
Find out more

Time AutoTracker

Easy integration for project management

Time is your currency in trade, so make sure you are recording every minute of it, and importantly, correctly attributing it to the relevant parts of your project.

The Time AutoTracker plugin presents time in the project management tool of your choice, so you can accurately track times directly against all HR and tasks. No more blank time windows, round-ups, or double-ups!

Query your dashboard historically or live to improve your project estimation, cost client variations, and improve staff accountability and management.

Find out more

VINAH Manager for Public Hospital Compliance

Simplifying the mandated submission of Victorian Health Data
For Victorian hospitals our proprietary VINAH Manager software dramatically simplifies the process of submitting government-mandated Victorian Integrated Non-Admitted Health (VINAH) data to The Department of Health in conformance with the 2023-24 data set manual.
Fully supported to stay in sync with requirements
We support your team with the installation and training, and perform regular updates of the software to ensure it continues to comply with annual changes to the minimum data requirements set by the Victorian Government.
Patient record software
We offer additional patient data management software to ease your HR requirements, and can update or customise existing hospital systems, as and when required, to improve efficiencies.
Find out more

At Devinium, we help companies upgrade their software and systems to improve customer satisfaction and productivity.


We also build bespoke software solutions, and specialise in new product extensions that won’t disrupt the operation of existing platforms. 

If your business is in the IT sector, we offer access to our skilled pool of developers to assist in specialist areas where you may need help. 

Devinium can also provide contract developers to work for your business, helping with HR elasticity without the risk of putting on full-time employees.

Connect with us


31 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000